
Bugs addressed in recent updates

All Launchpad Ubuntu Debian CVE

Origin Bug number Title Packages
Launchpad 2058452 Support USB serial port for Dell DW5826e WWAN linux-oem-6.5 linux-oem-6.5
Launchpad 2059197 mount.nfs: Fix minor version parsing when '-t nfs4' and '-o vers=4.x' are used together nfs-utils nfs-utils
Launchpad 2060566 Add esm-infra-legacy support for Trusty ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools
CVE CVE-2024-2961 The iconv() function in the GNU C Library versions 2.39 and older may overflow the output buffer passed to it by up to 4 bytes when converting string glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc glibc
Launchpad 2058277 [SRU] 2.62 snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd snapd
Launchpad 2054855 Azure: Network doesn't get configured after triggering kdump linux-azure-5.15 linux-azure-5.15 linux-azure-5.15 linux-azure-5.15
Launchpad 2059263 Fix acpi_power_meter accessing IPMI region before it's ready linux-oem-6.5 linux-oem-6.5 linux linux linux-oem-6.5 linux linux-oem-6.5 linux-oem-6.8
Launchpad 2060727 The keyboard does not work after latest kernel update linux-oem-6.5 linux-oem-6.5 linux linux-oem-6.5 linux-oem-6.5
Launchpad 2061830 Limit supported pci-id's to the new ones added by 550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 nvidia-graphics-drivers-550-server nvidia-graphics-drivers-550
Launchpad 2059952 pro sometimes runs before cloud-config.service ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools
Launchpad 2060780 CIFS stopped working/is unstable with kernel update to 5.15.0-102.112 linux-nvidia-tegra linux-azure-5.15 linux-aws-5.15 linux linux-oracle-5.15 linux-gcp-5.15 linux-intel-iotg-5.15 linux-ibm-5.15 linux-lowlatency-hwe-5.15 linux-hwe-5.15 linux linux-oracle-5.15 linux-gcp-5.15 linux-intel-iotg-5.15 linux-ibm-5.15 linux-lowlatency-hwe-5.15 linux-hwe-5.15 linux-nvidia-tegra-igx linux-nvidia-tegra-5.15 linux-aws-5.15 linux-azure-5.15 linux-xilinx-zynqmp linux-riscv-5.15 linux-riscv-5.15 linux-xilinx-zynqmp linux-azure-5.15 linux-azure-5.15
CVE CVE-2023-30589 The llhttp parser in the http module in Node v20.2.0 does not strictly use the CRLF sequence to delimit HTTP requests. This can lead to HTTP Request nodejs nodejs
CVE CVE-2023-30588 When an invalid public key is used to create an x509 certificate using the crypto.X509Certificate() API a non-expect termination occurs making it sus nodejs nodejs
CVE CVE-2023-30590 The generateKeys() API function returned from crypto.createDiffieHellman() only generates missing (or outdated) keys, that is, it only generates a pr nodejs nodejs nodejs nodejs nodejs nodejs
Launchpad 1936449 [SRU] numptyphysics segfault on startup on XUb 21.04 numptyphysics
Launchpad 1976312 [SRU] Pathological wont accept any input pathological pathological
Launchpad 1970521 [SRU] boinc-client crashes when started with core dump on Xubuntu 22.04 boinc boinc
Launchpad 1892558 [SRU] binhex always segfaults macutils
CVE CVE-2024-28835 A flaw has been discovered in GnuTLS where an application crash can be induced when attempting to verify a specially crafted .pem bundle using the "c gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28
CVE CVE-2024-28834 A flaw was found in GnuTLS. The Minerva attack is a cryptographic vulnerability that exploits deterministic behavior in systems like GnuTLS, leading gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28 gnutls28

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